Monday, July 6, 2009

Getinet done. :)

Hello, folks. Just here to throw up my revised assignment for Design Tech and Concept, Design and Process. My instructor from Design Tech handed me my behind when he critiqued the first one. The photo was way too amateur and I should have known better. So here is my redo. Photography is made possible by Merkuria and his lovely, sexy Canon 50D. Thanks, brother. I hope you all enjoy and my instructor doesn't destroy me tomorrow.

For the other assignment, they chocolate bar designs went over well. All I needed to do was brighten up the colors of the darker ones. So I am happy with them as well. Hope you are as well.


  1. As wonderful as the cover looks, it still doesn't hold up to how good it tasted.
    Very happy we could help brother. Looking forward to the next project. Cheers to you both.

    It took me a few awhile to notice the title. Nice.

  2. That pic was making me so hungry...looks like Susie is fattening you up =) So what exactly is this class about anyway? Are you only using Illustrator?
